Looking For New Paltz Recreation Soccer? Click here
New Paltz Soccer Club is comprised of two programs: recreation and travel. Recreation soccer is a fun, casual program for beginners or players that might not want to fully commit to a travel program. Travel soccer is more competitive and requires greater levels of commitment to the sport. Questions? Email newpaltzrecsoccer@gmail.com or newpaltztsc@gmail.com
About New Paltz Travel Soccer
We believe in creating an outstanding community based soccer program that strives towards player and team excellence. With fund raising, sponsors and amazing volunteers the registration cost for Fall, Winter and Spring soccer is $400. We pledge to ensure that all of our young athletes can play regardless of financial constraints.
New Paltz Soccer Club strives to consistently create a fun-filled, positive experience for every girl and boy in the program. Our volunteer coaches promote sportsmanship, respect, and sensitivity to the other players, coaches, parents, and referees.